Offered in numerous shapes and sizes, large print is considered to be 16pt type: But we prefer 18pt, so that more people can access the larger size. We even produce one-off documents in up to 48pt type!




 Photocopied enlargement may be inexpensive but it is NOT the answer, and frequently causes more problems than it solves - especially when items that employ coloured fonts and backgrounds are photocopied.

Crisp, clear printed text in an appropriate point size really is the only acceptable format. And that is what we produce. Singly or in bulk.

We take infinite care with forms and small-print ensuring re-pagination is sympathetic to the document, content is verbatim, 'difficult' fonts are avoided and features, such as frequent use of italicised print and all-cap's text are eliminated. We also avoid coloured text on coloured backgrounds.

The majority of people with sight problems find that large print is all they need to be able to read read your printed information. Be that in black and white, or colour, if carefully adjusted for people with sight problems.  

Whatever size the document, however many copies you require, you may be sure that our confidential service can be tailored to meet your precise needs and those of your clients or customers.

Furthermore - you can have the confidence documents produced have the presentation, feel and attention to detail that your standard print documents provide. We always ensure that any large print documents are produced in a similar style to the standard print originals.

Not everyone has 20/20 vision
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